Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cats and Dogs

Let's stipulate for a moment that there is a real difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. Let's make believe that they're working at cross purposes. Let's say, as Lou claims, that the Republicans can actually stop the Democrat mad march to socialism even though they don't have the votes to stop anything.

A neighbor of mine has a German Shepherd which she takes for a walk twice a day. He's smaller than you would expect a German Shepherd to be as she was bred to be a ‘seeing eye’ dog, compact enough to fit comfortably into smallish spaces – like carry-on luggage.

Several houses down the street there's a man who owns a Pit Bull. He also takes his dog for walks. The other day, the pit bull got loose and attacked the German Shepherd right in front of the woman's house. The woman froze and looked on in horror.

The Shepherd lives in the house with a black cat named ‘Bubba’. Bubba was sitting on the porch at the time. He saw what was happening and raced down the wooden steps and jumped on the Pit Bull's back, scratching and clawing at the aggressor’s sensitive eyes and nose. The Pit Bull retreated, howling.

You could make the argument that the Shepherd is the American people; the Pit Bull is the Democrats and Bubba is the Republicans. So far, I have personally only heard a whole bunch of meowing. It's been the Dems themselves who have been tearing each other up on the issues.

1 comment:

  1. Pound for pound, a cat is a more skilled and vicious predator and I mean that objectively. The republican party on the other hand has been feckless, weak and spineless. There are those out there that are the cat, but the GOP won't let them loose or let them have a say. There are times I would do a cage match with any of them to settle this. I like the cart, he reminds me of my cat, Frederick Douglass.

