Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ignore Them

Unlike those who still cling to the slim-to-none hope that this so-called 'health care’ bill will yet be derailed, I do believe something approximating its nomenclature will reach the president's desk in due time. He will sign it, of course. It will represent, at the very least, the camel having gotten its considerable nose under the tent.

I also believe that this particular bill - along with everything else that is advanced by this administration – has been presented under false cover. In other words, 'health care’ is ultimately not about 'health' or 'care'. Instead, it is a cynical attempt by one political party to grow government and to secure for itself a permanent position of leadership within it. You might even say that such intent is laudable and can be expected from any political party worth its salt. The rub is when it's being done by misrepresentation, bribery, threat, and without the support of the voters the party is supposed to represent.

The '08 election has now turned into a coup. When the people called or sent letters to their elected representatives, they were ignored. When the people held 'tea parties' all around the country in hopes of catching Washington's attention, they were demeaned. When the people confronted their representatives at town hall events, they were shouted down. When people showed up in great numbers on the steps of the Capitol, they were turned back. Eventually, the people would get the message that they are no longer a part of the process.

The times for democracy in our country are dire indeed. But we are not helpless. We need not let our enemies paint us as victims with bull's eyes attached to our chests and backs. We can do to them exactly what they're doing to us: We can ignore them.

When the mailman brings us mountains of forms and paperwork (from the government) for us to fill out and send back, we can simply throw it in the trash - unopened; same thing applies any official government mailing bearing the words ‘important’ or 'open immediately' including letters from the IRS. Simply refuse to play; ignore them as they are ignoring us. It has to be done en mass though. If only some of us do it, they’ll pick us off one by one and no one will be any the wiser.

Then, after the weather turns nice again, put out the flag and set up a chair on the front lawn, on your stoop or your balcony. Go out there and sit with your dog (if you have one) and listen to the second hour of Rush on your portable radio. Don't create a disturbance; don't make a spectacle of yourself - just sit quietly on your front lawn in a simple, dignified act of defiance.

If enough people did that, day after day, along every street, in every town, it would scare the bjesus out of our blood-sucking bureaucrats and politicians. Each time they’d see or hear about one of us sitting quietly in front of our houses, it would prick their consciences. Eventually, it would invade their dreams. They need to be reminded every day of their betrayal; their breech of duty. They need to be shown up as rogue. They need to be aware that the possibility of criminal charges lurks just down the road.

The jails and ACORN armies they’re preparing to counter us will be no match for our silent public vigils; on our own properties (no less). No additional laws or infamous act - short of a Katyn-style massacre - would serve to silence our wordless protest - our bloodless resistence - IF we ever decided to stand together and take our country back.

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