Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(Green) Jobs Strategy - Part One

I would bet Thomson is excited. They're likely saying, "So glad we voted for Obama; so glad the new prez hails from Illinois; so glad he's chosen our community to be in the vanguard of his (green) jobs strategy."

I'm wondering why this prison was built to begin with. Sounds like some kind of political pay-off to me, like the ‘bridge to nowhere’ up on Palin’s turf. What a windfall for Thomson, though; during the toughest economy in generations, no less - to just happen to have an empty prison exactly at the time when GITMO needed to be closed!

"What'll happen to GITMO?" you have a right to ask. You paid for it, after all; and all the improvements to it since. (You know, just to make it nice for our foreign visitors.)

"Nothing, I guess. I guess it'll stay empty - like the Thomson facility is and has been." Speaking of 'empty', I hope they remembered to shut off the water. From what I hear, it gets cold up there in Thomson. Wouldn't want the expense of frozen pipes. That, by the way, won't be a problem at GITMO.

I also wonder how long it will take for Thomson to become a stain on the map; before our visitors will have to be moved again - back to GITMO, perhaps (or somewhere else). Wouldn't it be easier to just let them go and give them all social security numbers? That way they'd be subject to Geithner's IRS scam and be taxed to death - probably as fitting a punishment as any for plotting against Obama's new world order.

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