Friday, December 4, 2009

Speed Bumps

Whereas international agreements generally come to nothing, the effect of same as propaganda footholds for the ground troops should not be underestimated. When Kyoto failed, it did not die and pass into the dust bin of the 'never-again-mentioned'. On the contrary, it became a the rallying cry of the defeated - a wound that would never be allowed to heal; a sore, repeatedly scratched open to bleed its puss into the body politic - now culminating in Hopenhagen (sic) with even higher stakes. For the first time, a U.S. president and a U.S. Congress is fully aboard. It's show time! They will press ahead! If not now, when?

The focal point of Serb history was the battle for Kosovo in 1389 which Serbia lost. Six hundred years later, Slobodan Milosevic addressed a crowd of a million Serbs at the monument commemorating the defeat (6 miles outside of Pristina) and stripped the local Albanian majority of their civil rights and autonomy.

‘Warmers' are a patient lot. It took them many years to construct their house of cards. "Climate gate" is but a speed bump for them. They won't slow down. The wheels may come off. But then again, they might not. In any case, they're betting that, if and when they go down, they'll take America along with them - like suicide bombers crashing the gate. So far, amazingly, they're still very much on track to accomplish what they set out to do. What does that say about us who are watching and know exactly what's going on?

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