Thursday, October 15, 2009

Attn: Babs

I hope you will read this. I mistakenly erased your latest comment. In it you had given a web address. Could you please re-submit?



P.S. Keep checking this site. There's some good stuff on the way. I'm having brainstorms. Also, you might check in with RBO once in a while. I like to post there as well.


  1. Tried not to take the erasure personally... I even sent you a new website today (on JB's site) to let you know why POTUS might be thinking about creating his own band of brothers.

    The site I mentioned last week was (com?). Very interesting concept and some very smart people involved but perhaps "too organized" for where we are currently.

    Tonight I am in Atlanta, rallying at CNN tomo to ask "Can You Hear Us Now?" Even Ted Turner has said he's fed up with their "fluffy news"...all I want is for them to get the crowd size right (we will be wearing numbers tomorrow) ...I was in D.C. with 500,000 other people on 9/12 and I think it mattered. I met air conditioning contractors from Texas who had never been to D.C. before...I met farmers' wives from Indiana who were resolute...I met people who said "I musta been asleep but I'm up now, like a 9 year old eatin' jelly donuts and drinkin' Mountain Dew...we're ready!"

    Instability? You betcha!

  2. Thanks! We're awake alright - at least some of us are. It's kinda wild to think, 'I'm awake!' while all others seem asleep; like walking around in a busy north-east mall with the iPod blasting. It's like you're in a bubble and nothing can touch you. Hell, you're not even touching the ground. Or, it could be scary, like the 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'.

    I'm glad you're out there (and awake). I too hear the earth rumbling. Something is bound to happen soon. It can no longer be contained...
