Sunday, October 25, 2009

Raining Stones

American public opinion moves at a glacial pace, especially in relation to the frantic speed at which the Obama administration is working to remake America. Larry Kudlow has always been a good egg. I was disappointed early on when I heard him applauding Obama’s lip service support of capitalism. But Larry too has come around, now stating categorically that Obama’s economic plan will not work.

This is where most American opinion resides at the moment. Americans seem to be okay with that. They are resigned to the waiting for the opportunity to change the political landscape in the next couple of election cycles.

What most Americans are still failing to grasp is that what they see as a failure of policy since Obama’s been in office is DELIBERATE! Kudlow continues to hold out hope that the Obama administration, seeing the error of its ways, will re-tool and try some pro-growth policies, like tax cuts. When I hear Kudlow saying this, I want to just reach in through the radio, grab him by the shoulders, shake him awake and shout, “It’s deliberate; you fool! Obama’s aim is precisely this. He wants to implode the economy; he wants to crush the dollar. He’s a Marxist! The people around him are Marxists. They were picked by Obama because they are Marxists. This is not a smear; it’s not mud-slinging. It’s the way it is. They are Marxists. And their aim is to destroy America’s economy, all during Obama’s first term. Everybody knows it now on some level. They know it in Maine; they know it in Oregon, and everywhere in between. Even the Marxists among us are having second thoughts for they are about to achieve what they have always thought was merely a pipe dream."

The strength of a nation can be directly linked to its people. Destroying the economy of any nation automatically plunges it in to civil strife. This is the starting point for the Marxist societal re-ordering which Obama envisions.

Obama is obviously not the only one determined to bring this about. He has many very smart and patient supporters. It might be said that Obama is only the figurehead – the mouthpiece – for all those who have been planning for this moment for generations. They’ve been meticulous in their preparation. They’ve undermined our educational system; they’ve re-written our history; they’ve taken control every institution that would have held them in check: the media, academe, entertainment, etc. They’ve effectively neutralized any challenge to themselves from a corrupt political class. All that remains is to ignite the people to anarchy.

Right now, it resembles a Japanese Kabuki play where all the action happens at the end. Nothing has happened yet, but the fuse has been lit. As I see it, when the time comes for Obama to run for re-election, the polls will show the opponent way ahead. The markets always predict the future. They will be encouraged by Obama’s poor showing in the polls. Consumers will spring to life, as will investors. A turn-around? No. A trigger!

By that time, the money supply will have been flooded with so much worthless paper; inflation will set in big time. This will grind the entire economy to a halt – like sawdust in the crankshaft of a car. Civil strife ensues. Martial Law is declared. We go from there.

I’m not saying that it’ll work. But that is plan A. I am convinced of it. Public option, this or that, is merely a distraction, designed to overwhelm the system; to deflect; distract - to once again get us to scratch our heads, when it starts raining stones, and ask, "How the hell did this happen?"

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