Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boycott the Elections

What a bunch of hogwash! I'd bet this column and the comments, together with Al Gore, account for nearly all the 'global warming' that's said to be occurring on this planet. Anybody who believes that merely voting Republican (or Democrat) in the next election will solve all our problems is delusional. If the responses alone to John's column can be said to prove anything at all, it's that America is no longer prepared to function as a representative democracy in which (theoretically) democratically elected representatives are sent to Washington to run our nation's business.

Our system has become so straight-jacketed that nothing works anymore as it should. It's become top heavy in favor of the government. It no longer matters what directional monikers we ascribe to our government, the result is always the same: more government; less private sector.

Now it just so happens, that government is merely a tool. And a tool can never exceed the function for which it was designed. On the other hand, the private sector is a dynamic, living thing. We are the private sector. It is we who can dream and aspire to ever greater things. It is we who can grow the economy to outpace public debt; it is we who can win wars; it is we who can put men on the moon; build cars; raise families and lift ourselves up to the full potential that defines a productive and dignified existence.

Government can do none of these things. Without popular support, government becomes a prison. All those within it are already dead. Guards and inmates alike are confined by the same walls; all, simply waiting for the stoppage of breath that would release them from what essentially amounts to self-imposed bondage.

At this point it's become senseless to talk about political parties. Whether Democrat or Republican, government is too big; too burdensome; too intrusive. Why should a six-year old be sent to reform school because he proudly brought his Cub Scout cutlery to school for show and tell? Why should any citizen be denied from becoming an owner of a football team if he has the money and is willing to pay? Why are there laws prohibiting smoking outdoors? Why should a beauty queen be condemned for giving an honest answer to a solicited question? Why should a person be fined for choosing not to purchase health care insurance? It goes on and on.

That is why I say, it's already gone too far. A vote for this or that no longer matters. It is mere distraction; a way to cajole us into believing that we can slip our chains.

So many are breathlessly awaiting the next election cycle. Just as so many have waited for the last. So many had thought something good would happen if they just were to gather on the National Mall in great numbers. It’s all but forgotten now. The ‘National Equality March’ last weekend drew less people and received more national coverage. It’s already been released as a milestone to appear in next year’s crop of school books. Go figure. The deck is clearly stacked.

Time to reassess the situation. At this point I would say, boycott the elections. Sure, the Dems would win again – so what? UN observers would have to declare the election null and void – but they won’t. Realistically, what would we gain if Republicans were to win? We would just be endorsing their ‘good cop/bad cop’ scam with our once precious vote. …and the hosing would continue, now with our blessing, until we’re so tired, so disheartened, so suicidal… Kenneth may have a point when citing the birth rate in Russia.

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