Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Only Value Will Have Value

Wonderful explanation of how all of it intersects in Jerusalem and how any possible resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - whether in blood or peace - will have wider repercussions throughout much of the world. Nice to know that Netanyahu - unlike Washington and Riyadh - is resisting the easy, shameful solutions. In the end, character always wins out.

There may be a timetable to this (peace talk) farce that everyone appears to be perpetuating so desperately at this particular time. Yes, there's the succession struggle within the House of Al-Saud. But that's a factor in every house and cannot be considered as unusually significant. The startlingly new element is the collapse of the dollar and that of financial paper in general. It means that the House of Al-Saud will see itself stripped of influence. All the money they have amassed over the years is about to be unmasked to show that nothing of value was ever done with it. The currencies themselves - surely stored in large, elaborate vaults - might just as well be stored in incinerators.

In the new world order, only value will have 'value'. Mere money in the hands of the undeserving will turn to sand. That time is near. It will happen before Obama's first term ends. It will unleash a maelstrom, sweeping aside all the corrupt and broken pieces. There will also be much collateral damage. Only 'value' will survive - and 'character'. The Saudis, as well as most of the rest of the Middle East, are not particularly strong on either point.

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