Saturday, October 10, 2009

In a Failed State Nothing Works

Pakistan is a failed state. Afghanistan is a failed state. Nothing works in a failed state. We worry about Pakistan because it is said to have nuclear weapons. We know this because we have seen the intelligence. We have seen how the nuclear weapons got there. ...and we did nothing about it.

Increasingly, we face the same dilemma, but seem unwilling to act. We know Iran is in the process of acquiring nuclear weapons, but are unwilling to act. We know about North Korea, but do nothing. We know that many of the countries intent on joining the 'nuclear (country) club' consistently call for our death.

Why are we quaking in our boots? We're scared that the truth be known. We worry about how our own populations would react if the truth were to come out. The lying started long ago; too late to go back now and confess. Confessions will no longer undo the web into which we ourselves have fallen.

Significantly, already there are calls to vote everybody out - Republicans and Democrats alike. A revolution is brewing.

The political elites clutch and moan. The people's oracle (Beck) has already fingered the guilty. They are neither the rich nor the poor (as the elites would have us believe); neither are they black, white, red or yellow (as the racists would have us believe); they are not those who believe in Allah; they are not the Jews; Christians; Hindus; Buddhists, etc. – they are the corrupt.

The corrupt live in our own houses. They spread lies and rumors. They dress the same as us so we can’t tell them apart from us. Yet we must find them and weed them out.

Their virtual control of the media makes it seem that there are many more of them than there are of us. This is a lie. It has always been within our power to crush them. As soon as we can get over our fear of them, or stop lusting over their empty promises, we stand empowered.

There’s just us. There’s nothing more… Our faith (in ourselves, perhaps) is enough to defeat them. We already know who they are.

Then there’s the matter of the Pakistani bomb; the soon-to-be Iranian bomb; the North Korean bomb. These all are failed states. I just finished saying that in a failed state nothing works.

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