Monday, October 19, 2009

Let's Be Blunt

Let’s be blunt: ‘Global Warming’ is nothing more (or less) than a tool the Left uses to achieve its goals. What does the Left want? It wants America to be the pariah among nations. It wants the nations of the world to rise up against America. Its goal is to see America utterly and totally defeated. The Left wants Americans to feel guilty to the point of ceasing to be Americans. It wants Americans to stop doing those things that have made America great. It wants America to be weak and confused. It wants Americans to be divided. It wants America to collapse.

Global warming’ is just one of the tools in the hands of the Left to help bring about the final defeat of America. 'Cap and trade' is a logical response to the 'global warming' accusation - for all those who can be convinced to take it seriously - that will destroy America's economy. The MSM, our corporate elites, academe, Hollywood, and our political class all have signed on to the 'global warming' bandwagon. Not all necessarily see ‘global warming’ as a threat to mankind. They see it as a means of bringing America to its knees.

So valuable does the Left consider the ‘global warming’ ploy to be, it has long suggested that any vocal opposition to the concept be treated as a thought crime similar to holocaust denial. If tomorrow, Jesus Christ himself were to come down from the heavens and declare 'global warming' a fraud, those committed to America’s destruction would remain unconvinced. Like Dan Rather, they would maintain that, in spirit the concept remains valid; that, even though the science may be faulty, the deeper reality of America representing the ultimate evil continues to hold true. Therefore, they could justify and condone any means – lies, subterfuge, threats, smears or slight of hand - if it serves their goal of mitigating America’s global influence.

Global warming' is no longer the issue - just as health care, racism or outrageous deficit spending, Israel, Afghanistan, etc. are not the issue. The issue is: Do we countenance the deliberate destruction of our nation by this administration? Can we countenance Obama leading us into abject poverty and civil strife? Can we countenance our country falling to last place among nations?

Do not be drawn into pointless, long-winded arguments about ‘global warming’, universal health care, deficit spending, racism, executive compensation, the apparent failure of capitalism and democracy. All these are on the table as we speak. These are bogus. Pure distraction. All we have to understand is that our own government is out to destroy us. Every one of Obama’s policies since he has taken office is geared towards this singular goal. If we do not agree with its basic premise that America is the only rotten apple in the barrel, it is incumbent on us to oppose, or at the very least not to participate in, its public lynching.

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