Saturday, October 3, 2009

'The Girl from Ipanema' an other postings...

Over the past few days I've found it easier to respond to other's comments than to formulate comments of my own. It's been a busy time. There's been a lot to digest. We seem to be moving mighty quickly in some direction. As not enough people are willing to acknowledge Obama's failures here at home, perhaps assessments from abroad will open our eyes and unlock our minds and break our grip on celebrity idolatry and (by now) thoroughly disgraced liberal dogma. I note that the 'Girl from Ipanema' already has managed to turn more heads than conservative blogs and talk radio ever has.

Our academic elites have written the rules so that whatever happens, America loses. Any natural disaster anywhere in the world is due to ‘global warming’ – hence, it is America’s fault. Any war fought anywhere in the world is due to American imperialism and, hence, is America’s fault. Any crime that can be attributed to race anywhere in the world is due to American racism and, hence, is America’s fault.

Conversely, non-white racists by definition can never be ‘racist’. NGO criminal activity by definition can never be considered as ‘criminal’. Nations (other than America) that threaten, bully, invade, etc. by definition can never be the

Those are the rules America’s ivory tower elites have fashioned for all the world to follow in an attempt at evening the playing field. Fair and square, America with it’s deep ( now empty) pockets always loses. I wonder what will happen to all these university ‘think’ tanks when America decides to take its ball and go home? What new game will the world find to play? Railroad ties, anyone?

We used to fight to win. Then, we pretended to fight to win. Now, we fight to lose outright; to render ourselves impotent; to embarrass ourselves; to take ourselves down a peg; to hand victory to our enemies. We no longer believe in our Constitution; in Democracy; in Capitalism; our tradition, history; our innate goodness; in our future. A nation that no longer believes in itself does not fight – it begs.

In a larger sense, all this hatred against America originates from within the borders of America itself. America is shot-through rotten with America haters. These are not foreign nationals who have come to live in America. These are liberals and progressives from the 60’s who have risen to power within key institutions.

Our local newspaper in Chennai (India), where I live six months out of the year, carries Paul Krugman’s columns twice a week. It is the only American voice that these people hear on a regular basis. For the past eight years they’ve read about Bush being evil, stupid and corrupt. Now they hear that everything that ever was American is broken and that Barrack Obama has come to save the world. Indians who read this tripe day in and day out will believe it. For them, no other information exists. Ask any Indian and he will tell you that Bush has destroyed America and Obama has come to save it.

So, now we’re training terrorists to kill our only allies in the Middle East. Seems not to make much sense. Yet, it follows the overall liberal narrative precisely.

It's beginning to get even to me: all the cheering - not for Rio, but - for Chicago's comeuppance in the Olympic crap shoot. In the same way 'we' (yes, Spencer, we all have mice in our pockets) applaud poor employment numbers, rising foreclosures, bank failures; foreign policy disasters; etc.

It's a total repeat of the Bush presidency. Even the personal attacks aren't far off any longer. We're in a rut (literally. I remember rutted roads as a child. You could release the brake, put your foot on the gas, and never touch the steering wheel.) We don't need a goat in the guise of ‘leader’ to sacrifice on the dull monolith we’ve built to resemble an altar. We need smart; we need energy; we need inspiration; we need vitality to lead us out of the woods.

As long as the paradigm remains the same (the choking blood lust) no one claiming such qualifications will ever come forward to take on this particular job - only charlatans, cretins and suicide bombers. It's never been more true: We get the government we deserve. Let's take a moment and avert our eyes from the public hangings from crane hooks in the market square. Let's try and work to put two or more independent thoughts together and design a strategy to rescue our Republic.

“The Hanging Man’ just won’t do anymore. It’s quite a bit worse than merely ‘inaction and surrender’. We’re watching the clock running down at the very the moment before it stops. A nation that has no vision – indeed, a nation in which no vision is allowed to exist – ceases to function. I hate to say it, but at this point even 'socialism' would buy us time.

I'm afraid Gene misses the mark. I'm a baby boomer and I know exactly why I'm not buying. It's my way of protesting a government that has become alien; unresponsive; non-caring; intrusive; thuggish; oppressive; stifling; arrogant and just plain silly. Not much I can do about it, but what I can do I will do. I've put the brakes on buying.

I need a new car, but I've put it off. For years now, I've been called a 'pig' for spending too much; for depleting the planet of its resources; for being the cause of 'global warming'; for killing polar bears and snail garters. Well, I'm sick of it. I'll do exactly as they say. I won't spend a dime I don't have to. And what's more, I'll gladly leave the country to escape the hangman's noose. In short, I think we're on the way of strangling ourselves. I’ll return, of course, after we’ve got it all sorted out. In the meantime, I'd just as soon be somewhere else and watch.

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