Friday, October 16, 2009

Pictures of Tyranny

It seems, everybody can accept that Obama wants to get out of the Middle East any way he can. He wants to do it soon (before the mid-terms) and there’s pretty much nothing to stop him. Any rough edges can be easily papered over with words. After the U.S. military leaves, the president is betting that the media will no longer have much interest in the region. In the meantime, a bunch of fall guys are already in place – both, at home and abroad – to take the heat for anything unpleasant that might happen between now and then. (Israel is one of these.)

If all of this relatively complicated global stuff is so obvious to everybody, why on earth is it so hard for us to come together concerning where he is planning on taking our country? I’d be willing to bet the farm that if people were shown a color photograph of what Obama has in mind for America, every one of us would reject it outright. All of us already know it in the pit of our stomachs. Yet, we pretend to be blind, deaf and dumb. Intellectually, we hide behind humor, cynicism and denial.

Plenty such pictures exist: China during the purge; Cambodia during the murderous rule of the Khmer Rouge; Cuba under Castro; Iran, now. There are even more such pictures I could show: Russian re-education and labor camps, and all the countries that served decades essentially as prisons behind iron and bamboo curtains (the list could easily run into volumes).

The response here is always the same, “You’re crazy! This is America; it can’t happen here.”

Can’t it really? Just look at all that’s already happened, and what’s still in the offing? On the economic front alone, look at all the equity lost; all the jobs lost; the dollar crashing. No hope in sight. Double-digit inflation dead ahead. Can’t sell the house because it doesn’t meet government energy standards, and you can’t afford to get it upgraded; can’t pay the property taxes either. Walk away from what was supposed to be your nest egg – the one you paid into for most of your life – watch the government bank take it and convert it into an ACORN office.

Neither does it look good for the world, by the way. There’s any number of hot spots around the globe ready to blow, and we appear to have no clue as to the meaning of words like ‘friend’ or ‘enemy’. I take that back, we actually do know, but the world is upside down today: Our so-called ‘friends’ don’t really seem to want us (as friends); and our other friends are all looking at us funny. (Note: ‘Enemies’ do not exist in the new world order.)

It’s become all too clear where we’re headed. And I want very much to help stop this train wreck before it happens. And I’m not even really sure if it hasn’t happened already. They’ve clearly done their homework; it’s not likely they’ve failed to nail down the end game as well.

Even if there’s still a chance of stopping it, none of us can do it alone. Yet, I know that there’s a whole lot of us out here who feel the same way (the same, perhaps, as the ordinary Palestinian once felt, or the ordinary Iranian). Only, they’re afraid to speak up because they feel they’ll be ridiculed (here, which is, of course, considerably less serious than being shot, over there).

If it should come to shooting – as it has in Iran – it’s already too late. The hole for us to climb out of would already be much deeper than it ever needed to be. The good news is, we’re not there yet. There’s still free speech in America. And Obama still hasn’t built his private army that he said would be equally well (or even better) funded than our present military. The fact that he’s even thinking of doing this means, that what he has in mind for America would likely fail to win the support of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Our last chance will come in the next election cycle. It’s good news indeed that next year’s elections haven’t been postponed or canceled yet. To Obama, it doesn’t really matter which way elections go next year. He has enough czars to override anything Congress might ever want to do. But there’s one thing that he apparently forgot: that Congress can initiate and execute the impeachment of a president.

We can demand from any politician – Democrat, Republican, Independent or Socialist – who may be asking for our vote next year that he or she get behind any one of the various gambits that are already underway in this regard. I’m not saying it will be easy. Obama has a lot of clever friends in high places. But if we stick together, we can get it done.

I believe there are more of us than there are of them. I believe it is vital to the continued existence of our nation (as our founding fathers intended it) that we stop Obama in his first term. I believe that if we fail to do so, we must consider ourselves beaten.

At the very least, this exercise will be a test for us. It’ll give us an idea of just how many are willing to show up to defend our nation in her moment of need. If we lose this one, it’ll take us a long time to recover – long enough, certainly, to learn Russian or Chinese.

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